Exciting News

Exciting News

Well, it has certainly been a while since I have been able to sit down and write for the blog. However, not because of lack of enthusiasm, but more so because it has been hectic! The amount of work that takes working full time, raising a family, and a husband running two businesses is surreal. We never imagined that Happki would begin to make us work double shifts in its early stages. The website has been live for a little over 4 months and we have had such an amazing response. Truly it is incredible, all things considered. Through these past few months we have worked hard to connect with our vendors, tweak things on the website, upload new inventory, plan for marketing campaigns, but most importantly searching for an actual home for Happki. Finding the right commercial space has been anything but easy. However, at this very moment, it is my pleasure to announce that Happki has officially found a home. Yes, a brick and mortar home folks. We have been picturing this for nearly two years and it is finally happening. I can’t stress how much work it has taken to get here, but alas here we are. Of course, the laundry list of to do’s continues. The space needs a little TLC so we will be spending the next month redoing the floors, painting and patching up some small holes. I have no idea how it will all get done in the next six weeks but it has to. However, despite the endless list of things to do we are looking forward to all the great things that are happening. Happki has surpassed our expectations. We are elated to be able to give our “3rd baby” a home where it can thrive in full force. Furthermore, none of this could have been done without the help of our talented team. I will never stop saying thank you to them. In addition, we are so thankful for the continued support from our vendor reps and vendor partners. Seriously, they too play such a big part in all of this.

Thank you again to everyone who has helped one way or another up to this point. It means the world to us. Stay tuned, we have so much more to reveal soon!


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